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I just wanted to get nfs up and running on my Raspberry Jessie and got the uggly error message. Root cause is the nfs-server starts before rpcbind. If you restart the nfs-server after boot it will work. But will not work again after reboot. Following page describes how to get this fixed.

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If you want to clone a SD image which was created on a Raspberry Pi and use the cloned SD on another Raspberry you have to execute one important additional step. Otherwise the Raspberry starting with the cloned SD card will not get a network connection.

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To learn to use threading in Python you have to have a concrete problem to solve. Just use Raspberry Pi to connet 6 LEDs and manage them via GIO. On the following pages I describe how to customize my sample program to simulate tarffic lights. You also find a video which shows the program in action and a download link for the sample program.


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The Raspberry Pi is a nice system which is used a lot of time to provide server services to be accessible from worldwide. That's Owncloud, a HTTP server, seafile or other services..

A VPN is the right way to access the server in a secure way. But if you want to give a lot of people access there is no way other than to allow access direct from the internet. Usually you use a DMZ for this but that's a feature a normal home router doesn't have. But now you should protect the Raspberry from internet access as far as you can and also protect your home network from access from the pi server when an intruder managed to get access to the pi. But note: If an the intruder managed to get root access then the iptables firewall can be turned off very quickly. So it's very important to get SW updates on a regular base.

Following article describes how to configure an iptables firewall to protect it from unauthorized access from the internet and to protect a local home network to be attacked from the server - just in case.

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Owncloud has a very poor performance on Raspberry Pi. But seafile runs very fast if running on nginx. There exist already a lot of instructions how to install seafile on raspberry so you will find links to these website on the following page which I used to install seafile. In addition I wrote down the sequence of steps I executed. It's primaily a combination of the various installation instructions which I found. My config files of seafile running with nginx can be downloaded as sample config files for your convenience. In addition there is a startscript for /etc/init.d available which starts seafile all the time when Linux ist started and and stops it when it's shut down. 

Characteristics of the seafileserver: is used as external dns name, nginx (no apache), runs on secure https port and offers webdav services.

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Raspberry Pi usually runs Linux (raspbian oder raspbmc). Linux allows to mount various external data sources. Following protocols are used commonly: SAMBA: smbfs/cifs, NFS: nfs, SSH: sshfs, FTP: cupsftp and Cloudspace: webdav/davfs. Following article explains with sample config files how to get access to these different datasourecs on the Raspberry Pi.

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Raspberry Pi runs with Raspian, a Debian compiled for ARM architecture. Pi has an ethernet adapter and usually also an USB WLAN adapter is attached in order to be able to access Pi wireless. Given this hardware you can use the Raspberry Pi as an ethernet to WLAN bridge and/or as an access point with a cable connection. The following article explains how to create an ethernet to WLAN bridge on Debian and Raspberry Pi running Raspbian but will work also on other Linux distributions.
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Raspberry Pi runs with Raspian, a Debian compiled for  ARM architecture. Pi has an ethernet adapter and usually a USB WLAN adapter is also attached in order to be able to have wireless access to Pi. Given this hardware you can use the Raspberry Pi as a  ethernet to WLAN bridge and/or as an access point with a cable connection. The following article explains ho to create a ethernet to WLAN bridge on Debian and Raspberry Pi running Raspbian.
Update March 1st, 2014: Until kernel 3.6.11+ everything works as described below. Starting with 3.10.25+ ist doesn't work any more and a router has to be configured.
Update March 2018: There exists another way to create a kind of bridge by using an arp proxy. See here.

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A lot of people are interested in a Raspberry Pi and want to get some idea about the operating system running on Pi without the need to buy a Pi first. I actually searched for a convenient way to test a backup script called raspiBackup I wrote for the Raspberry Pi. A nice way to evaluate Raspbian or to run any tests is to use QEMU to emulate the Raspberry Pi. Note that special Pi hardware like GPIO et al cannot be simulated. It's just the processor which is simulated. You need a Raspbian image and a system with Linux or Windows. Today I configured my system to run a Pi in QEMU and in the following article I explain step by step how I installed and configured QEMU on my Debian based Linux. The image has a networking connection right after startup and will use the existing host network connection  with NAT. Finally a script is provided which executes the steps described and simplifies the image creation process.

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Create .xbmc/userdata/keymaps/mouse.xml to hold the following mouse mappings which will switch the mouse buttons:
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Raspberry Pi is a very nice hardware which can be used to solve various problems. I notice an increasing number of questions how to get access to the local PI from the internet. From a technical point of view that's not a problem: Just forward the required ports from your router to your Pi and disable on xbmc the firewall. This may cause you serious trouble because some folks from the internet will be able to access your Pi and even your local systems in your LAN. You should follow some rules in order to keep them out.

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Raspberry PI owners should make sure access to their Pi from the internet is secure. It's possiblet o use ssh tunneling but the most secure and universal method is to use OpenVPN. That way all ports on Pi can be accessed from a remote client via the internet in a secure way. The following article describes how to install and configure OpenVPN on Pi and how to install and configure an OpenVPN client to access your Pi from the internet on a secure way. This configuration uses the simple variant which only allows one client at a time to connect and is suffient in most cases. The client configuration description covers Linux and Windows7.

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The actual final raspxbmc version of February 2nd 2013 works perfect compared to the previous code drops. I have a Hama MCE remote control and it now works perfectly. Even the mouse pad works fine out of the box. Unfortunately the Context menu doesn't work - at least that's what I thought and read in the net. I spent hours to find a way to get this fixed and finally detected the file /opt/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/system/keymaps/hama_mce.xml on my pi and detected that contextmenu function is already mapped to a key on my hama MCE. But I didn't expect this key to be the contextmenu key.

