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btrfs has some nice features. That's why it makes sense to convert the root filesystem of a Raspberry running RaspbianOS from ext4 to btrfs.

Note: The following instructions require basic Linux knowledge because it's just a memory aid for me and the instructions are not very detailed.



  1. A running RaspbianOS which uses ext4 for the root filesystem
  2. A second SD card the same OS
  • Update the system
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Install required tools
    sudo apt-get install btrfs-tools initramfs-tools
  • Add btrfs to initramfs modules
    echo 'btrfs' | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
  • Initramfs updaten
    sudo update-initramfs -c -k $(uname -r)
  • Reboot und check dass btrfs unterstützt wird
    dmesg | grep -i btrfs
  • Optional: Backup your system
  • Boot the seconds RaspbianOS with the same kernel level and attach the SD card with the system to convert
  • Check filesystem for errors
    sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/<zu konvertierende partition>
  • Convert the ext4 filesystem to btrfs
    sudo btrfs-convert /dev/<zu konvertierende partition>
  • Update cmdline.txt with the UUID of the new root filesystem and update the filesystem used from ext4 to btrfs. Use follwoing command to retrieve the required informatio
    lsblk -fs
  • Update /etc/fstab with zje UUIDs of the boot and root partition and update the filesystem used from ext4 to btrfs

  • Boot the converted system and enjoy the btrfs features



Debian btrfs Wiki

btrfs rootfilesystem on Raspberry

How to install Raspberry pi OS on a btrfs SSD driver?


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