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Every Raspberry beginner starts with a NOOBS image, which is listed by first as the suggested image to use (See

NOOBS allows to start different operating systems which is useful when you want to evaluate the different alternatives to decide which is the right one for you. Unfortunately most of the people continue to use NOOBS when they have decided which OS to use. But that's the point to setup a new image with only one operating system.


NOOBS is no normal Linux system and has various quirks which causes a lot of headache sooner or later. If you ask for help if you have issues with NOOBS there is low probability you will get any responses. All experienced Raspberry users don't use NOOBS. As soon as you have decided which OS to use setup a new image and don't use NOOBS any more. This will make your life much easier when using your Raspberry.

raspiBackup supports NOOBS images in partitionorientierted backupmode . For production like systems it's suggested to create a single operating system image and backup this with raspiBackup in normal backup mode. the normal backup mode is also able to save an external root partition.

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